»There are countless objects that are considered truly ugly by more people, but there is no object either real or imaginary that more people fail to find truly beautiful than white plastic chairs. There is no beauty to be found in them, not even of a perverse kind.«
Aus: Ingo Niermann,
Plastic Chair. In:
Kid’s Wear, Ausgabe für Sommer 2004. Jetzt schon eine großartige Sache:
Functional Fate.
12. September 2004, 20:34
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12. September 2004, 20:24
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»I call it "mandala" because it's a kind of representation of some states of mind. Here and now, each picture represents my own cosmogony, through objects that surround me.«
Mandala-Projekt von Geneviève Gauckler ist interessant. Wie auch die restlichen Arbeiten alle interessant und schön und adorabel sind.
10. September 2004, 17:18
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